
WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY BANKING COMPANIES? Ans: According to section 5(b) Banking regulation act 1949 Banking means the acceptance for the purpose of landing or investment deposit money from public,other or therwise.  

List of all state chief ministers in 2024

1/Andhrapradesh:Chandrababu N 2/Arunachal Pradesh:prema Khandu 3/Assam:Himanta Bisaw Sharma 4/Bihar:Nitish kumar 5/Chhattisgarh:Vishnu Deo Sai 6/Delhi: Arvind Kejriwal 7/Goa:pramod Sawant 8/Gujarat: Bhupendra Patel 9/Harayana:Nayab Singh Saini 10/Himachal Pradesh: Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu 11/Jharkhand: Hemant Soren 12/Karnataka:Siddhramai
 শ্রীকৃষ্ণই কৈছিল, যদি নিজৰ ওপৰত বিশ্বাস ৰাখা শক্তিশালী হৈ যাবা, আনৰ ওপৰত ৰাখিলে দুৰ্বল হৈ পৰিবা, তুমি যে কেতিয়াবা সত্য আছিলা সেয়া কোনেও মনত নাৰাখে, কিন্তু তুমি কেতিয়া ভুল কৰিছিলা সেয়া সকলোৱে মনত ৰাখে।

Memorandum Of Association

 What do you mean by memorandum of association? Ans- memorandum Of Association contains the object of the company and hence identifies the possible scope of its operations it defines company power beyond which a company cannot go ultra vires and becomes void.

What is amalgamation?

Amalgamation is a precess where two or more company's running same nature of buishness goes for amalgamation and a new company is formed to take over the buishness of the company;where is to be  amalgamate  is called amalgamation

Phe phe falls Meghalaya


আদা খালে আমাৰ কি কি উপকাৰ হয়?

 ডিঙিৰ বিষ, পেশীৰ বিষ, বমি, উচ্চ ৰক্তচাপ, জ্বৰ  আদিৰ পৰা পৰিত্ৰাণ পোৱা যায়।